"; unset($_POST['USER_user_edit']); } if ($valobj->email_validation($user_email) == "0" ) { $error .= "Incorrect Email format"; unset($_POST['USER_user_edit']); } if (empty($user_indus)) { $error .= "Neeed To Select an Industry "; unset($_POST['USER_user_edit']); } $sql = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM user WHERE email ='$user_email' "); while($email_check = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql )) { if ($email_check['email'] == $user_cur_email || $email_check['email'] != $user_email ){$email_present = 0; } else { $email_present = 1;} } if ( $email_present == 1 ){ $error .= "
Email Already Used
"; unset($_POST['USER_user_edit']); } if (isset($_POST['USER_user_edit'])) { $go =1; // indicate to show sucessfull update $sql ="UPDATE user SET Fname=\"$f_name\" , Lname=\"$l_name\" , phone_num=\"$user_phone\", email=\"$user_email\", company=\"$company_name\", industry=\"$user_indus\", address=\"$user_address_user\" WHERE userid ='$userid'"; $resultadd = mysql_query($sql, $con); } if($_FILES) { $filepath = $_FILES['comp_logo']['tmp_name']; // assign temp name to profile $filename = $_FILES['comp_logo']['name']; // get file name $profileImage_logo = $comobj->uploadFile( $filename, $filepath, $filePath, array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif') ); // upload image if(!empty($profileImage_logo)) { $img['image'] = $profileImage_logo; @$tn1 = new thumbNail( $img, $filePath, $filePath, 100 ); @unlink($filePath.$profileImage_logo); } $_POST['profile_image'] = $profileImage_logo; } if (!isset ($img_logo) && isset($profileImage_logo) ) { $sql2 = "INSERT INTO user( complogo ) VALUES ( \"$profileImage_logo\" )"; $result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $con); } elseif (isset ($profileImage_logo) ) { $sql2 ="UPDATE user SET complogo ='$profileImage_logo' WHERE userid ='$userid' "; $result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $con); } } $industrylist = $comobj->getHtmlListControlData( "industry", "name", "indus_id", "name", "ASC" ); // Get list from database to popul select option ?> Press Release - Functions
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