"; $datas[$i] = $row['image']; $datascap[$i] = $row['caption']; // place image names in a array called dataas $i++; } } // =================images =============== $ids = $row['articleid']; echo $ids; $result_s = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images WHERE articleid = '$ids'"); $rowf = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_s); $ids = $row['articleid']; $result_se = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images WHERE articleid = '$ids'"); $rowf = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_se); $idsa =$row['userid']; $result_s = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE userid = '$idsa'"); $rowe = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_s); print_r( $rowe); $comp = $rowe['company']; // sql to assist in deleting images and pdf //=================================================================== $newsObj = new news(); //$country_id = (!empty($_GET['c']))? $_GET['c'] : $country_id; //$userid = $_SESSION['useradmin']['userid']; //$presult = $presult = $newsObj->getarticleListing2($userid, NULL); //if (!isset($industry) || !isset($comp)) //{ //$presult = $presult = $newsObj->getarticleListing2($userid, NULL); //} //if (isset($industry) || isset($comp)) //{ //$presult = $presult = $newsObj->getarticleListing23($userid,$industry, $comp , NULL); //} //else{ $presult = $presult = $newsObj->getarticleListing23($userid,$industry,$comp , NULL);} // this is the query that should be run comming with values from press_inds //if(!isset($companylist)) //{ // $companylist = $comobj->getHtmlListControlData( "company", "comp_name", "Companyid", "comp_name", "ASC" ); // Get list from database to popul select option //} //if(!isset($industy_id)) //{ //$industrylist = $comobj->getHtmlListControlData( "industry", "name", "indus_id", "name", "ASC" ); // Get list from database to popul select option //} //$industrylist = $comobj->getHtmlListControlData( "industry", "name", "indus_id", "name", "ASC" ); // Get list from database to popul select option //$industry = trim($_POST['industy_id']); //$companylist = trim($_POST['company_id']); // $companylist = trim($_POST['company_id']); //$industry = trim($_POST['industy_id']); //$companylist = trim($_POST['company_id']); //$presult = $newsObj->getarticleListing23($userid,$industry, NULL); //$newsObj->industrypopul($industry); // <--- this query should be run is post //$caribbeanCountries = $comObj->getHtmlListControlData( "countries", "name", "id", "name", "ASC" ); //$_LIMIT = 2; //$page = $_GET['page']; //$totalrows = count($presult); //$page = (empty($page)) ? 1 : $page ; //$limitvalue = ($page * $_LIMIT) - ($_LIMIT); //$paginationUrl = "presslist.php?&u=$userid"; //$p = new Pagination($page,$_LIMIT,$totalrows,$paginationUrl,5); //$results = $p->getPaginatedResults($presult); //echo $row['articleid']; //$idd = $_POST['article']; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $form_query = "SELECT DISTINCT industry.name FROM industry"; $form_result = mysql_query($form_query) or die(mysql_error()); include('tpl_userpresslist.html'); //include('tpl_presslist.html'); ?>