uploadFile( $filename, $filepath, $filePath, array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif') ); if(!empty($profileImage)) { $img['image'] = $profileImage; @$tn2 = new thumbNail( $img, $filePath, $filePath, 100 ); @unlink($filePath.$profileImage); } $_POST['complogo'] = $profileImage; } $error = ""; if(empty($account_type)) { $error .= "You Need to Select A Account Type .
"; unset($_POST['signup_user']); unset ($rs); } if(empty($F_name)) { $error .= " Frist Name or Last Name is needed .
"; unset($_POST['signup_user']); unset ($rs); } if($pass != $pass2) { $error .= "Password do not match.
"; unset($_POST['signup_user']); unset ($rs); } if( strlen($pass) < 6 ) { $error .= "6 or more character is required for password.
"; unset($_POST['signup_user']); } if( empty($industry) && $account_type == 2 ) { $error .= "Please Select an Industry .
"; unset($_POST['signup_user']); } if ($valobj->email_validation($user_email) == "0" ) { $error .= "Incorrect Email format"; unset($_POST['signup_user']); unset ($rs); } $sql = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM user WHERE email ='$user_email' "); while($email_check = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql )) { if ($email_check['email'] == $user_email){$email_present = 1; } } if ( $email_present == 1 ){ $error .= "
Email Already Used
"; unset($_POST['signup_user']); unset ($rs); } } if (isset($_POST['signup_user'])) { $_SESSION['good'] = 1; $sql=" INSERT INTO user ( Fname, Lname, password, phone_num, address, email, company, complogo, industry, class, status) VALUES( \"$F_name\", \"$L_name\", \"$pass\", \"$user_phone\", \"$user_address_sg\", \"$user_email\", \"$company_name\", \"$profileImage\", \"$industry\",\"$class\", \"$sat\" )"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $con); $message =" Thank you for signing up on Firstlook. Your application is being processed and an email notification will be sent to your inbox once your account is reviewed . Your login URL is - http://go-jamaica.com/pressrelease/compadmin.php "; $subject = "Your Application to Firstlook was processed "; $message2 ="A new company has signed up with Firstlook. "; $subject2 = "A new user has submitted a Application "; mail( ADMIN_EMAIL , "$subject2",$message2, "From:www.gofirstlook.com"."\r\n"."CC: Andreiyev.richards@gleanerjm.com"); mail( ADMIN_EMAIL_email , "$subject2",$message2, "From:www.gofirstlook.com"); mail( $user_email , "$subject",$message, "From:www.gofirstlook.com"); } $caribbeanCountries = $comobj->getHtmlListControlData( "countries", "name", "id", "name", "ASC" ); // Get list from database to popul select option $industrylist = $comobj->getHtmlListControlData( "industry", "name", "indus_id", "name", "ASC" ); // Get list from database to popul select option ?> Press Release